
By CharlotteJ

Rolling of the eyes!

Today has been a constant eye brow raise! You all know about yesterday's email hacking...well today my team's group email was hacked! 783 vile bounced back emails since 2am last night....not a happy girl, I did my best to be a positive supportive HR person but underneath I was spiting fire and broom sticks and that may have showed! By 4:30 the problem was solved but now I am on a slight warpath to ensure this does not happen again!! Not that I know anything about IT hacking ..... Grrrr
Final eye roll is hubby bouncing around like a kid about telling me all about his new car which is due to arrive in no less than 16 weeks...... I really don't care about the colour or how it can do 0 to 60 is so many flipping seconds!!
The final eye roll came from hubby when I announced I needed a blip...hes normally very supportive....I blame the lost mojo! Sorry guys but you have my maple tree.


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