
By CharlotteJ

Mojo come back!

Today has been so difficult for a blip! I've not moved from my desk all day...tried, hungry, slightly exhausted and its only Monday.
Also my email account was hacked over the weekend.....300 vile, vile, vile emails and attachments bounced back together with one nice email from a guy in Oz asking for the emails to stop, to which I concur and have apologised for. I now have the problem resolved! I had a virus that apparently I picked up sometime Thursday whilst in London....I had my Bluetooth to 'on' on my phone (my Bluetooth connects to my car and I didn't think to turn it off) and recall checking emails remotely on the train....apparently I was open for clever people to take advantage!! Sick puppies is all I can say...............

Anyway, my blip is the start of a green bean! I'm home growing this year :)


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