A Day of Variety

The day started with a short two Mike walk across the moor from Clitherbecks where we are staying to the Moors Centre at Danby . Not only did the lapwings flap above us but a curlew circled us several times calling,  as it flew - we were probably near it’s eggs unfortunately. I managed to get this shot of it flying which wasn’t brilliant but I wanted to record it . 
I struggled with the path down hill - a bit of arthritis in ankles and feet so after a restorative coffee, P went to fetch the car and pick me up ! A good chance to read my book in the calm of the grounds .
We ate our picnic above Fryupdale with wonderful views and lots of long and cotton grass appearing .
Next, we wandered round the grounds of Nunnington Hall which we visited last year . The gardens were full of meadow brown butterflies. We enjoyed looking at an exhibition about the River Rye which included chemical paintings made with river water.
We bought takeaway fish and chips at Ruswarp which we ate by the sea at Sandsend as it was too nice to return back . 
Finally, we had a stroll and a sit at Runswick Bay .

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