GWAAC taking off

After a morning of heavy showers and winds the afternoon shaped up nicely but what to do. I took a walk out into the countryside but everything seemed still to be hiding from the summer storms and I came back into the village with no more images than I'd left it with. 

As I walked into the village the Great Western Air Ambulance flew low over my head, and the engine tone made me realise it was landing nearby. We only have a couple of places where the helicopter can land safely (we have experience because we are well out of the target time for conventional ambulances!)

I walked over the railway bridge and there he was in front of the listed farm house. A cyclist had been hit by a car seemingly turning into his path, SMIDSY-like, and the paramedics were working on him in the road. The police too were already there, which was a surprise, but it turned out they had been there already.

They were taking statements regarding an argument in the pub by the railway bridge, which later seems to have resulted in a fatal stabbing. The road junction is a known trouble spot, soon likely to be made worse by unwelcome developments, but a stabbing?! In our village?

Sad times.

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