In jeopardy...

Been awake since 5.30am worrying. When my brother and SIL arrived yesterday they both did LF tests as my brother felt rough. They both tested negative. Today he’s felt so unwell with a fever that he’s stayed in bed all day, despite the fact that it’s his birthday. Still testing negative for Covid-19. Nevertheless, I fear my trip to Ely on Wednesday is in jeopardy...

Thank you for all your kind comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s Sweet Peas. Wish they were in my garden, along with my roses...

UPDATE: My brother just taken third LF test and tested positive for Covid-19. I’ve managed to protect my parents and keep the house Covid free for the last two and a half years and now my brother has put an end to that. Ely is not going to happen, and next week was my one and only chance :((((

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