Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

Birthday bouquet

A mixed day for my birthday.
I thought it would be straightforward.  Stint in the charity shop, blood test and a trip out with a friend including tea and cake.
Shop OK.  Turned up for my appointment at 15 minutes before the 2.05 pm appointment given to me on the phone and immediately confirmed by text,
Only 6 chairs in the waiting room and a continual flow of people apparently speedily seen.  20 minutes after my booked time I queried why I was still waiting to see a nurse.  To cut a long story short and checking yet again, it appears my appointment was 1.35 and I was late!
Nurse had gone home and I had to be fitted in with someone else,( only after I showed them ny 'confirmation text' on my phone).  I pointed out that it meant I had to cancel my birthday outing.
Duly weighed and blood sample taken and profuse apology from the receptionist.  Good thing they didn't have to take my blood pressure!
It wasted an hour of my life.  Couldn't be bothered to go through the hassle of booking another appointment.
Had a reviving cuppa in my friend's garden and we will have the treat outing another day.
On a brighter note I now have now got a new Yoga equipment bag.  Very jazzy, just what I wanted and will be worthy of a blip another day.
My good deed for the day was telling 4 different people in the waiting room that their name had shown up fleetingly on the new screen telling them which room to go to.  They were all elderly and had not heard the quiet 'bleep' or seen their name.  One lady came back into the waiting room after seeing the doctor to thank me, so some good came out of the crackpot system.
Rant over!

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