May Day.
No I haven’t got that wrong.
The Primary School are having their May Day celebrations this afternoon.
I think postponed because of the weather in May.
We went for a walk to the pond. Set off in the morning before it got too hot.
As we were approaching the pond we could hear some music. Then realised it was the National Anthem.
The young school children were practicing for the fete this afternoon.
Teachers and parents were busy putting up the bunting, setting out tables and chairs, etc.
There is going to be a May King and Queen. Dancing, and singing. Competitions including best decorated hat.
So glad they have good weather.
The three goslings are growing. Mum and Dad were stretching their necks on the lookout for danger. ( see extra) I wonder what they will do when the festivities start.
This afternoon has been very hot.
Lunch outside, but spent the rest of the day inside where it was nice and cool.
Will do some garden pottering now it has cooled down. A bit of dead heading and watering the pots.
Another lovely summer’s day.
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