Asphodel Fields*

Himself had an appointment in Cork and I caught up with a bit of stuff then went across the mountain to examine the bog. It's very dry almost crispy in some parts but the asphodels are out and I love them,  Currently bright gold stars they slowly change to a a dark orange and then leave a spent brown seed head. Mingling with them are bog cotton, tons of tiny sundew and luminous white orchids. I met not a soul but saw 13 choughs wheeling and chatting overhead - just checked on the collective noun and it's a chatter of choughs!

*In Greek myths, where those who had been okayish in life were sent to spend an eternity of uneventful death!  I'm not sure the Irish bog asphodels were what they were imagining.  These could be used as a poor man's saffron or even for hair dye. 

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