
A long day began at 06:00, when I checked my phone and read very positive news from a potential big sponsor for our software. It was hard to get back to sleep after that, but we did get to the conference on time! There were a few good talks, and mine went well, although I overran a little. It was my first to a live audience after giving online talks, and I misjudged how much more slowly I cover slides that way. I had plenty of interest, and met someone for the first time who had emailed me that morning to say that he'd finished an important interface to our software. Such is the value of in-person events!

In the evening, after escaping getting soaked by a rainstorm as we returned from the hostel-boat we had the conference dinner at a fine large wooden house overlooking this lake. The vegetable garden supplied the ingredients that accompanied the fish starter and fish main course. We were with a good mix of familiar and new faces, and the chat was good. 

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