(4) Pomegranate

I went outside long enough for a wander around our gardens for todays pic and noticed that one of our pomegranate shrubs, has fruit (well, officially 'berries') developing at different stages from flower to final, albeit small and immature, fruit.  
Such an interesting 'fruit', the sweet/sharp explosion with every juice laden ruby like seed pod - what a unique taste experience - I love them as a surprise when hidden in the leaves of a late summer mixed salad. 

Googling learning more about the pomegranate has occupied me for a couple of hours now! Hope you find this interesting too  .....  :)

Significant in Greek mythology, the symbol of both death and fertility (?),  the fruit is a symbol of fertility in ancient Persian art especially in rugs and carpetpatterns . Last but not least, it is considered a 'super food'  - "rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They're also full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds."  

"The Middle Eastern fruit is claimed to be effective against heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation and some cancers, including prostate cancer." (live healthily.com)

The story of Persephone 

New York Times article (1979) about Pomegranates, including a recipe for "Baked Fish with walnuts and pomegranates. 

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