(5) Much ado about nothing

“Let me be that I am and seek not to alter me.”
- Much Ado About Nothing: Don John (act 1, scene 3) William Shakespeare

Graham and Kat on their roof top balcony around 6pm, watching the storm head our way from Akbuk. This was after we'd all run around like crazies, battening down the hatches, packing up sun beds and closing balcony doors ... all of which, as it turned out, was for nothing, cos after a very blustery half an hour and three spots of rain, the wind turned left and headed off to Bodrum taking the rain with it, leaving us with merely an intermittent and temporary show of thunder, just to let us know what might have been. Mr Sun didn't take long to peep out from behind some clouds, and seeing that the coast was clear, shone brightly for a couple of hours before giving us a gorgeous sunset. 

Easily the most exciting thing to happen today. Well, for several days, actually. 

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