The Boot is off the Other Foot

My boot is off and I feel very strange without it. We have been together 24/7for just over 5 weeks and I will miss all of its 1Kg weighty support. We slept together, ate together and watched television together. We had a very fine symbiosis but now it will be relegated to the back of  the wardrobe all on its own unless the NHS want it back although I’m not sure it can be cleaned and disinfected sufficiently for someone else’s use.

My first steps after lunch without it felt very tentative and wobbly but I will practice walking up and down the hall and do some of the exercises the physio gave me today and in the next week or two I will attend formal physio sessions.

I will be able to have a shower tonight  for the first time since Orkney but I am a little fearful as the last thing I broke was my collar bone when I slipped in the self same shower and fell onto the raised metal edge. Now I’m frightening myself -a pioneering woman I am not.

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