To the Victor, the Spoils

It may be the warmest day here this year but’s not the sunniest
The sky is bright but full of clouds which part now and then to allow the sun to beam down on me as I sit on the patio with my book-The Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead.

Not that I’ve been sitting out here long you understand. I spent some time washing the garden bench and surrounding patio which the crow fledglings thought was their private toileting area and I have been abroad for two short walks and performed two spells of ankle exercises.
I also managed to hardboil eggs and make toast without setting off the smoke alarms and provoking another visit from the Fire Brigade.

On one of my traipses outside I saw a seagull remove something edible from a bin waiting for collection at the kerb. Immediately out of nowhere two of his companions arrived to try and wrestle whatever it was away from him. One of them was partially successful.

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