All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan's side of the bathroom!

Ethan got out the wrong side of bed this morning. He had been up 3 times during the night. First time sobbing uncontrollably and all we could get out of him when we asked what was wrong was for him to point at his duvet and say "there" - guessing he had a nightmare which took him ages to calm down from). Second time he had to tell us very vocally he wanted to go for a pee and third time he was demanding his hot water bottle get refilled cos it wasn't hot any more! He was then up for the day at 6.30am and was narky as could be all morning.

He told me he didn't want to go to gymnastics, which is unusual, but I took him anyway. Once there, that was the only part of the morning for which he cheered up!

Mr Foreveryoung and Eden went round to our house after her gymnastics class and stayed till mid afternoon and the kids did play together for some of the time.

At lunchtime Ethan climbed into his pushchair and told me he was tired and wanted a sleep. First time all week he has had a daytime nap.

Later in the afternoon I went round to a friends house for a Stella & Dot party ... quite a few glasses of wine and a purchase later, I meandered back up the road. Ethan should have been getting ready for bed by then but no, still up and about so I ended up doing his bath and bedtime routine. He has so many bubble baths and shower gels to choose frm these days - nearly as many as me!

At least he was more cheerful then than he was this morning!

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