By lizzie_birkett

Happy Memories

I was looking in the bookcase for a particular book when I came across my old snorkelling fishy books and charts.
I got lost in looking at all the sea life and was transported back to those holidays. Frank was a diver when we first got together and when we went to Queensland in Australia about 20 years ago he booked a diving trip on the Great Barrier Reef. I went along for the boat ride never thinking I might actually go in the sea. I couldn’t swim! So off went Frank into the deep and I sat looking over the side of the boat - I was delighted and fascinated when I saw all the colourful fish under the surface. I wanted to be in there with them. The skipper of the boat offered to take me in but I was terrified.
In the end he got this massive rubber ring and put it on the water then helped me to lie on top and look down. I was so thrilled. He helped me back on the boat and found me a life jacket and snorkel mask then held my hands and guided me into the water. He tried letting go of one hand but I just grabbed him each time. Eventually I did let go of one hand and put my head under the water. I was hooked on snorkelling from that day on and went to many different countries to fulfil my obsession with fish and other sea creatures. I became so confident I even followed a big Napoleon Wrasse (the big fish top right), they are massive but harmless.
That’s me on top of the blue beyond.
I would love to do it again.

Today I dyed my hair. I always used to use henna but years ago a hairdresser friend said as I got more grey I should use a chemical dye.
I ended up using a 95% natural dye from Holland and Barrett but I’ve noticed lately that my hair condition is not too good and when Lila visited she said it was fine to use Henna on greying hair. Anyway, when I was at Sabrina’s we went to Lush and they have blocks of Henna, I bought the one for lighter hair and had the ‘cow pat’ on my head for 3 hours this morning.
What a shock when I washed it off! It’s a kind of bright reddish-strawberry blonde! It says to leave it for a few days as it continues to develop the colour and hopefully tone down :-D)) Frank thinks it looks fab!
My hair does however look nice and shiny :-)

Frank went up Pendle Hill with Bella this morning, I couldn’t have attempted it with my knee. I phoned the Musculo-Skeletal dept and got an appt for 28th July - first available.

I ended up missing Sewing Bee last night as I was watching Lucy Worsley Ep1 about the Scottish witches. An awful history but I love her as a presenter. I didn’t realise it was nearly 10 pm when that finished so we went to bed I’ll watch GBSB tonight on catch up.

Marc has moved into his new flat today so that’s a relief. At last he can settle.

In My Element

The first time I swam in the sea
I wore a life jacket and snorkel mask.
It took my breath away,
the beauty beneath that surface,
it was the Great Barrier Reef.
Imagine - if you would - a non swimmer
climbing down from the boat
into the unknown, that clear turquoise deep.
I wouldn’t let go of the skipper’s hands
I was so scared I would drown, until,
clinging to him I lowered my face,
lips clenched tight for dear life around that tube.
I looked through the screen of my mask
and felt a sudden calmness, 
my ferociously beating heart slowed,
I breathed…in and out…in and out, 
eyes darting to take in all that I could see
how could such a place exist and 
me be so unaware, apart from 
seeing photographs in a book
or Jacque Cousteau on TV years before?
Snorkelling became my obsession
each year a different ocean
a different sea, different fish, 
from the shoals of tiny bright Goby
to the giant Napoleon Wrasse, 
molluscs, turtles, nudibranch
octopus, corals. Those corals!
This extraordinary life around me,
I was in my element - water
That is my element and yet
I still can’t swim.


Hope your day has been a good one - or at least good enough;-)



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