Gorgeous Giorgia

A lovely start to the day with this cutie pie and her Mom. It was lovely to take Juliette and Giorgia up to the centre and show them round. 
At 10,30 I had a meeting with the president of the local area, turns out he'd already done his research on us! He'd spoken with the Mayor in San An and thankfully been told good stuff about us. He was positive but realistic that people will not all be delighted by our centre being on their road or in their neighbourhood. But he's set up meetings for us, him and some more problematic businesses so we can talk and work well together. He's also organising meetings with the local government here so we can set things off well and on the right foot. 
Danny drove me up to the ES coffee morning which was kind. I'd not thought I could make it because of this meeting with Roberto, but I caught the last part of it and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the guys.
Back home on the bus and straight to meet Mitch to buy some tools and supplies for renovations. He's got straight on it and worked all afternoon on the main room. I helped with some sanding bits and I now have a head full of dust. The plumber also came to begin redirecting some piping, so it's all go. 
I'm shattered!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This beautiful little girl. She is a delight.
2) Meeting Roberto and getting on well. I'm so so glad he sees the value in what we want to do. He'll be a good ally.
3) Mitch's competence and willingness.

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