Wet, Wetter, Wettest Again

It is what can only be described up here as a ‘gie dreich day’.
After the lovely summer’s weather yesterday, it was disappointing to waken up to a dismal, grey, rainy day today. If there is any advantage to being temporarily disabled it is that I don’t have to go anywhere, although I did manage the short walk to Söderberg for a breakfast coffee while the rain was only a hesitant drizzle.

The blip is the view across Lister Square at Quartermile, with some welcome colour, as I turned to go in for my coffee.

It was lovely to have company this afternoon when a friend I haven’t seen since early March popped in to tell me about her recent sailing and walking holidays.

It was raining when she arrived and raining when she left but inside the Dower House the rain outside was of no consequence as we enjoyed a great blether.

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