That was the Ferry, That was!

The eaglets have sailed but not before we met up for the last time and they had valedictory bacon rolls at Julia’s Shed.

There was no sunrise this morning, the haar had descended over night and enveloped everything; so much for my planned dawn bike ride. Even the 6:30 ferry was almost invisible as it left the harbour. I imagined a day of reading and quiet contemplation but lo and behold the sun burned the mist off, which meant the daughters left at 11am in sunshine.
I stood in the garden and waved and waved as their figures standing on the starboard side of the ship got smaller and smaller till I could see them no longer. I will miss their company and I know they were reluctant to leave Orkney. They had an action packed 3 days.

I did get a short cycle ride later but it was only an exploratory circling of the town. I’m hopeful that the weather forecast on my phone for the next week is very wrong.

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