Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

Nice morning...

...for a run:-)

Back to golf lessons this morning after the Easter break and back to running round the loch for me.

Was a bit out of sorts though, I realised as we were heading out after our coffee that I'd popped on my walking shoes rather than my running shoes:-/. I had my baseball hat on and it turned out it was too windy for that and finally the missing earbud on my headphones is no good on my distance run...can't say it's bothered me on my other runs but it was no good yesterday! Despite all these minor irritations managed 10km and felt OK...few weeks since I did a longer run so all good.

Quite afternoon at the park with the kids and Mr R. It was a bit breezy but the sun was shining...most of the time.

Blooming Weimaraner escaped from the garden just before dinner, we got him at the park across the road. Honestly, don't know what's got into him of should see the space he managed to get wouldn't think a dog his size could squeeze through it! He's a pain in the proverbial...

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