Alternative view...

...of Es Vedra. There were so many things we could/should have done this morning, but I convinced Danny to do none of them and come sit in front of this view, drink coffee and natter. It felt important after this past week.
A very very strange experience with a guy late morning. Someone we know who tends to prey on extremely vulnerable women - the time left us feeling quite odd...
I was at the centre this afternoon, there's some plumbing that needs doing (and dead cockroaches that need getting rid off!). Then afterwards Cana Club with VIP guests - Juliette here from Luxembourg and 2 of the 24-7 girls! A lovely lovely evening. Not least because Silvia who owns the Ibicencan bar lives on the same road as the centre (our old road!) and has put us in touch with the president of the neighbourhood. So tomorrow I'll meet him and talk to him about our ideas - we really want to begin this place with a good relationship with the residential neighbours and the local businesses. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) An early start to the day with Sole - coffee before her 9am shift started.
2) Time with Danny.
3) Feeling better after feeling vaguely unwell for a lot of the day.

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