
By CalSillyFace

The High Road

The 100 miles from Gisenyi to Kigali wind through some pretty breathtaking scenery, snaking through the mountains for four hours or so. On this kind of journey it's easy to see how Rwanda has become one of the most densely populated countries in the world. There isn't a single stretch of road where you can't see signs of life, and the villages and towns that crop up every few miles are connects by houses or farms. The road takes in the tea and coffee plantations, the volcanoes that reach into the clouds, the new-built banks and offices alongside the slums and ruins of the larger settlements. Not to mention the endless rolling hills, turning a hazy blue as the sun sets and blurring the lines between land and sky. Absolutely stunning.

Muggins here never charged his camera properly, so ran out of battery power long before any of that came along.


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