London Day Out

We've had a great day out in London today. We drove to Canary Wharf and parked there before getting the Thames Clipper to Tower Bridge. There we visited the Superbloom which is a planned, landscaped  planting of the moat area. Due to the weather this year to date, not all the flowers are out yet but it was still a lovely place to walk (see the extras) and due to the delayed blooming of the flowers, we have a free ticket option to return in a few weeks.

We crossed the city up to Temple and having grabbed some lunch, we joined a Hidden London tour of the Kingsway Tramway Tunnel. Like all Hidden London Tours there were great guides full of relevant information and anecdotes. We do like a good "off limits" explore, especially if it involves tunnels. The first extra shows the entrance point which if you know the Holborn area of London, you may have walked past!

After the tunnel we walked to Tottenham Court Road and picked up the Elizabeth Line. Although I'd had a brief ride on the line on the day it opened, Annie had yet to see it. We decided to ride the line all the way to the Eastern end at Abbey Wood before returning back to Canary Wharf. There we grabbed dinner before driving home. A great day out. 

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