
By bananablip

Another tough choice

So many pictures to choose from today, and it would normally be my ‘end of the month book pile’ too. Will have to save that until tomorrow.

‘Other Hannah’ and I had pencilled today in the diary for a couple of weeks, for me to hang out in the studio in her garden and make some jewellery. I’d got a mountain theme in mind and was hoping we could attempt Cadair Idris. Such is her brilliance (and patience) that we managed, in a few short hours, to create a ring with the Cadair Idris mountain outline. How flipping cool. She also repaired my other ring that has been broken since the looong cycle down to South Wales. What a genius. It was a lovely morning of hanging out and chatting and making a fine piece of jewellery of one of my fave mountains.

A lazy afternoon before Runlates this evening. Can’t believe how good my legs feel after running Cadair yesterday. The Pilates must be working!

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