Cymdeithas gyfartal ym myd yr adar

Cymdeithas gyfartal ym myd yr adar ~ An equal society in the bird world.

“Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except the best.”
—Henry Van Dyke

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Prynhawn allan heddiw. Cerddon ni i Barc y Rhath ac o gwmpas y llyn. Roedd e'n hyfryd yna fel arfer. Aethon ni i'r Caffi 'Terra Nova' am baned a chacen cyn galw tacsi i fynd â ni adref.

Gwelais y cymrawd hardd hwn a arhosodd yn eithaf llonydd tra roeddwn i'n tynnu ffotograff. Yn y Gymraeg mae'n ymddangos nad oes unrhyw wahaniaethu rhwng colomen (pigeon) a cholomen (dove). Colomennod (pigeons/doves) ydyn nhw i gyd. Cymdeithas gyfartal ym myd yr adar.

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An afternoon out today. We walked to Roath Park and around the lake. It was wonderful there as usual. We went to the 'Terra Nova' Cafe for a cup of tea and cake before calling a taxi to take us home.

I saw this beautiful fellow who stayed quite still while I was photographing. In Welsh there seems to be no distinction between a pigeon and a dove. They are all Colomennod (pigeons/doves). An equal society in the bird world.

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