Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I thought these went together rather well. The first part of the collage shows one of the altar candles at church today. I was serving and so it was more or less in front of me throughout the service. I watched the tracery of wax developing and had to nip back quickly with my camera, after putting the cross away, to catch my blip before somebody put out the candle.
The second image is of my wrist. I gave in to pressure from my daughters to go and get it checked out at the minor injuries clinic today at the Western. I hurt it a week past Friday in Turkey when I slipped on loose gravel. It turns out I have fractured two bones in my wrist, so, had I been younger, I would have earned an "I've been brave" badge for putting up with it for a week. As it is I probably get an "It serves me right if it is sore, I've been too stubborn to get it checked out" badge!
I don't need a plaster thank goodness, only a splint, which I had prescribed myself anyway! A bit long in the tooth to break my first bone, after all the loony things I did when younger, but never mind.

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