Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Wednesday — Handrails

We’ve talked lots lately about handrails for the pathway to the top of our backyard up-slope. If this backyard job ever happens it will be a miracle.

I walked to the library today — 17 minutes of walking; again Mr. Fun caught-up with me and then we walked the pups from Hardie Park completely around one city block . . . past the Cayucos Sanitary Department, (a polite name for sewer) up the hill toward the Cayucos School, down the hill toward the library, and back to the park where we left our car.

Then home to figure-out all over again (daily ritual) what to rustle-up for dinner. Two thin sliced pieces of chicken breast were in the refrigerator; I lightly sautéed them and then combined the meat into a luscious creamy sauce with large slices of onion and three chopped garlic cloves. The aroma in this small coast home was warm and inviting. As the sauce began to thicken, I added sweet peas (the vegetable, not the flowers) and large pasta noodles. The flavor was lovely. I served our meal on our cloth covered dining room table; it faces the horizon on the Pacific Ocean with a point-to-point view from the south Point Buchon to the north Point Estero. The enormous Morro Rock sits close to the shore where the inlet to the back bay can be found. The combo of food and view were both filling. We exited our table content.

Our evening included the Wednesday celebration from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (streaming online — ) with the youth praise team leading music — some of them are about to graduate from high school and into the adult praise team. Pastor Jack’s sermon was meaningful and filled with scripture. I appreciated what he conveyed from his heart about the recent mass-murders at an elementary school in Texas.

Good night from Cayucos on
California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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