
CalMac are proving to be a nightmare! First one of their ferries prangs the pier in North Uist then they pull the one serving South Uist to fill yet another gap in their timetable , effectivley leaving both islands with no ferry. The folks that were leaving my holiday let are having to leave a day early thus losing a day while those arriving are losing 2 days! This is getting beyond a joke, one guy said he got to Switzerland quicker by car than he can get to the bloody Hebrides. Time another company that can actually run things  took over with preferably a better fleet. Where are the Norwegians when you need them! They have tons of ferries and all running  and are modern not like these 30 year old over manned  tubs!
I see that corpulet niaff Boris has managed to wriggle out of yet another fiasco. What will it take to rid the UK of this usless crooked thieving bunch of self serving crooks?

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