Happy birthday

Amber is 5yrs old today.

It has been a busy day starting with a trip to Newark as B had a physio appointment. Very impressed with the young lady, a thorough assessment and treatment plan, he has a follow up appointment in two weeks. Amber came with us, normally she stays at home if we are out for appointments and the like.

Then up the A1 to visit the bird seed supplier to stock up. We were driving along country roads that we haven’t been down for several years, they seem so narrow ……a bit of a nightmare!!! 

Home to drop off the seed and Amber, she had enjoyed her outing, but she’d had enough car time. We had a quick coffee then went up to the Co-op for groceries. This took a great chunk out of the day.

The weather has been interesting!!! This afternoon a sudden shower of hailstones battered on the windows, follow by thunder (which Amber totally ignored) and this evening blue skies. Variety is the spice of life!!! 

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