Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Champagne Day 2

A relaxing day, after yesterday’s very late night. Breakfast was a ‘help yourself’ affair, which I like. I had fresh fruit and what I thought was yoghurt, despite the label ‘Cottage Cheese’. It was cottage cheese. But not the lumpy stuff we are familiar with.

Hazel then went to get organised in her room (she had asked to change it, as she’s not quite as in front of the cathedral as we are) but decided it was too much bother. JR and I took a wee stroll around the neighbourhood.

The weather app had shown lightning and rain all day, and this did not eventuate, thankfully. Reims is a lovely city - clean, tidy, fountains, statues, and no chewing gummed pavements, and trams with NO huge power poles and cables spoiling the gracious streets of old buildings (unlike, er, Edinburgh).

Back to the hotel to meet H, and the ladies then went off for a brisk longer walk sans moi and I came to my room for a wee rest.

After my rest, I wandered across to the cathedral to view the outside. And what a spectacular monument it is. The carvings are awesome. The ladies then contacted me to say they’d found a nearby cafe which looked good for lunch. A nice sharing platter and bottle of rosé was enjoyed. We then all went to inspect the cathedral interior, including the beautiful stained glass windows designed by Chagall.

Later, we went out for a meal. A most pleasant evening. We carried our posh hotel brollies, which made sure that although it looked imminent, it did not rain.

Busy day tomorrow. Very busy. 

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