
By xaru_xetri

My personal experience

Midnight thoughts.  

The voluminous sound with a sense of vibration and ''tik tik tik tik '' sound of the clock makes me feel of the company of something in my life. What is the expectation in life? Why is it? why is the fear of losing? why this world seems so comprehensive to understand? I always feel something lacking in life; something that is unanswered, that is mysterious. 
Days are like falling stars. We see the sky full of stars, some of us might be counting. They are falling every time, we never could realize the inertness of that unique star after his drop. We might see the sparks of another star placed in the same place, that new star deceiving us. This universe is full of new lives and old tragedies. But what we have to remember is no one/ nothing can be replaced exactly as they were. We might see the places filled with completely newly, again if we plunder the details, we again can explore the emptiness inside it.  We are sad not because we don't have the things we desire most, it's because we never enter into ourselves so that we could discover the purpose of our existence. We are busy with our daily routine and being indolent by stating the excuse of circumstances. I think it's not true that always things completed only if circumstances permitted it. Sometimes we need to accept the truth, which we had never accepted, and only we could explore ourselves and could know what we actually are. If we can understand what is going inside us then we will understand what is going on inside everyone else.

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