Same Flower - Different Stage
My Persian Buttercups are looking glorious just now.
This wasn’t what I had hoped to post today, but my photography skills, meagre as they are, let me down.
I picked up Janice and we went to the dunes at Shell Bay to watch the Sand martins flying in and out their nests. I had this, as it turned out, daft idea that I could photograph one. Ha Ha! Several (hundreds) attempts later I have no clear photo to share. The wee devils are so speedy, but it was great to sit on the grass in the sunshine and watch them.
On the way home we stopped at the garden centre to have a look and get one or two things. It is a really busy time for them and they don’t have many staff. It’s a family run business and they usually have summer staff from Eastern Europe who stay in caravans on site, but, of course Brexit put paid to that.
When I took Janice home I had a chat with Marvin, a lovely Canadian chap who is staying with her just now, and he has agreed to give me a hand next week wheel-barrowing the topsoil from the front garden to the back garden. I’m so relieved.
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