Once Around the Island

It's damp and dismal
The wind has a chilly bite
It's a day inside

~ carliewired

I dragged my feet leaving the house this morning. The deck was wet when I got up at 7. There had been nothing to call a sunrise. It was a mere 8 C at 9 when I drove down the hill. 

I was going to make it a very quick jaunt this morning. It was not pleasant being outside. When I arrived on the north side of McArthur Island there was a couple sitting in the Butterfly Garden with clipboards in their hands. I assumed that they were sketching. Their umbrellas went up as soon as I stepped out of my car.

 I walked around to the foot bridge to see that the slough is gradually filling with water. The Canada geese were on the west side of the bridge where the water is shallow. There were goslings of differing ages. The older ones are less cute and more dinosaur-like. They've lost their roundness and their yellow colouring. The parents remain ever vigilant. 

I left my quilted heart on the fence near the foot bridge. 

I drove around to the south side of the island where I found another pair of Canada geese herding their little brood through the grass. 

I'm home and inside on this chilly day. 

We have a mainly cloudy day with showers expected and a high of 18 C.

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