ground cover

I planted Mitchella Repens for ground cover, a fascinating native plant with lore and where two flowers form a berry. But, for groundcover between the pathway stones I bought three different types. The main one is Irish Moss, because it is beautiful. The other two were experiments, in case Irish Mos didn't work out. This one is Lamium maculatum or spotted dead-nettle, which isn't a nice name, or purple dragon, which is a much cooler name. I planted it near the brunnera where it dazzles. You have to turn the corner on the right path to see it and then the silvery leaves startle you. Right now it has purple flowers!!!! I'm sure I read that it put out purple flowers but I forgot about it and was completely startled to see them. 

I spent a meeting on my deck this afternoon. One of my crows cawed so I put out some birdseed and Cheetos, but I stayed on the deck. I had the goodies in two locations, one a meter from me and one on the other side of the deck. The crow chose to come eat within a meter of me and look directly at me while eating. :-) So cool.

Igor Pedin walked his way out of Mariupol, 140 miles, with his dog Zhu-Zhu.  For part of the trip he paid a driver some cigarettes. The driver took him two hours, dropped him off, and gave him money. 

Russia has some fancy new tanks that it is using, their most advanced types that they have. Ukraine has blown up their second one. They used a Swedish anti-tank grenade launcher. Thank you Sweden. 

Renault is selling its assets in Russia. 

Germany is going to stop importing Russian oil by the end of the year whether or not the EU (i.e. Hungary) agrees on a ban. 

Ukraine blew up a Russian armored train today. 

Ukrainian singer Kamaliya Zahoor is married to a Pakistani millionaire Mohammad Zahoor. He has given Ukraine two fighter jets. 

The Czech Republic will take over the EU's rotating presidency in July. A top priority will be Ukraine's application to join.

Apparently there is talk of seizing Russia's frozen state reserves and spending them on behalf of reconstructing Ukraine. Russia is upset and is saying it would be theft. There are $300 billion in frozen assets. I like this idea very much. 

Three Houston restaurants are adding $1 per check for Ukraine and Polish relief efforts. 

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