Everything stops for tea...

Well what a magnificent day. Summer has arrived - at least for one day - so I made sure i enjoyed it.

I had a super walk on the moor with the dogs and could see the hills quite clearly, the highest ones still clinging on to fingers of snow. With the dogs well walked I then decided to drive up to Loch Turret to see if I could get some good reflections of the hills and blue sky. However on my way up I simply had to stop to watch the Highland mums, all of whom now had a baby at their side. I slowed the car down to almost a standstill and managed to get this shot of Number 198 as he stared at me wondering what I was doing. I don't think he has heard of blipping! Don't you just love his cute face complete with wiry moustache!.

Once up at the Loch, the water was ruffled from the slight breeze so there were no reflections to be had. However i was entranced by the gulls gathering noisily in pairs on the water tower, while others wheeled about above their heads. I also caught sight of a pair of Pied Wagtails at the water's edge. Satiated with the scenery glistening in the warm sunshine and delighted to see so many signs of spring, I went back to the car and headed back down the single track road until I came to two cars ahead of me which were stationary. It wasn't long before I realised what was happening. One of the Highlander Mums was feeding her baby completely unperturbed by the fact that she was right across the narrow road. There was no chance of getting out of the car for a better shot as all three cars were surrounded by other mums and their calves - but at least they were on the side of the road! It was quite a surreal moment. I switched off the engine and as I waited, engrossed in the loving scene ahead of me, my ears suddenly tuned in to the radio which was describing a shooting and man hunt going on at that very moment in Boston. Yet here was I, high above the town, surrounded by placid mothers with their young enjoying a tea time break while buzzards mewed over head and the sun continued to lend a glow to the scenery. It was one of those moments when you are suddenly very aware of how very small each one of us is in the context of the world. I was very glad to be here today!
Once the baby was satisfied the Mum turned and ambled down the road, together with another Mum and baby and the three cars patiently followed until they decided to stand aside and let us pass.

Back home I busied myself in the greenhouse and garden and even enjoyed a cuppa outside with Cara and Bruce at my feet.

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