RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Lazaro Columns

Today we took a trip to Lazaro Cardenas, an hour's drive north of Zihua, to renew our car import permit (actually we only got the process started as there is no definitive answer on exactly what we, as temporary residents, really need to do to make our car legal - the joys of living with the ever changing Mexican regulations). We had to go to the Port, which is a secure facility. They checked all our ID's and searched our vehicle before inexplicably letting us drive unescorted through this vast shipping complex. Of course, we promptly got lost and had to wait for the Port police to provide us an escort through the truck custom booths (where we caused quite a traffic jam waiting for the necessary clearances). Our paperwork was processed much, much faster than it took us to find the correct building and we were off to lunch in town. These columns were located outside the nursery where my wife shopped for pots. I don't shop, so spent the time taking photographs from which I selected this graphic shot.

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