Oak wood carver
It was only meant to rain until 11 but it was still raining at 2pm. Still, as we say through gritted teeth , it’s good for the garden especially for the plants that I’ve just planted out.
We went over to see Alison Crowther’s oak carvings in her beautiful newly built barn and met lots of others who live locally. Always good to do now we’ve moved East of Petersfield - whole different crowd!
We decided to have lupper rather than lunch and dinner as we’d had eggs and asparagus for breakfast and as the rain did stop and it became warmer V set up for the planned pizza while i did a bit of gardening. We finally burned the old rose in the fire pit for an alt photo but I thought as we’d be using the firepit often over the summer there will be other options but we won’t see the barn and its beautiful oak carvings so often.
Spent a lot time laughing and taking photos of H for her website. Not sure any will be suitable!
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