Poor Mix

A poor mix of a day, it got off to a great start, Mrs S, Joshua and I headed out to meet up with twenty others for the monthly Veterans Breakfast. A great breakfast, fried bread always the clincher, good company, great banter.
Then it was off to the RNA Area 4 meeting in St Austell, these meetings are usually as dull as dishwater and today’s was no exception. Geographically Area 4 is large, too large, it encompasses the South West area from Bristol through Somerset, Dorset, Devon and into Cornwall and that will explain why fifty percent of branches are always missing.
Coffee, biscuits, pasty lunch with ‘tea & stickies’ on completion interspersed with a rum raffle and normal raffle it’s a chance to catch up with old friends and the people that matter.
Home to a BBQ in the back garden with Joshua cooking and a separate disposable BBQ for vegan Sam. We managed to eat and have a couple of beers before the rain came.
TV in the background, Eurovision on and the U.K. winning, with the Ukraine sympathy vote to come later, no one expects that to last.

Todays photo, a dull snap of Mount Charles Social Club, the venue for todays meeting.

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