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Checkout time at the campground is 1:00 pm so we took our time breaking camp. There was a foggy mist all morning until it turned to pouring rain. Luckily, we were almost finished by then. But everything was damp and had to be dried off before we put it away. We are going to set everything back up tomorrow if it is sunny so it can dry completely. The ride home was fine. We stopped for lunch at a BBQ restaurant. It was delicious. Then we went to a few stores looking for Va. peanuts because I forget to get them for gifts at the visitor’s center. No luck. These photos were taken in front of the visitors’ center. The purple flowers are wild indigo blossoms. Sure would love to add them to one of my gardens. I believe the yellow ones are Golden Alexander. They looked stunning together. I’ve taken photos of these flowers everyday but really wanted to blip them on our last day. We had to leave the camper in the cul de sac because it is just too hard to get it in our driveway. The most important stuff was transferred to my van and brought in the house so I could put it away. We’ll finish unloading tomorrow. We had 30 minutes to get to 5:00 Mass. We put away more stuff before calling it a night. This was one of our nicest camping experiences even with the rain and a few camper hiccups. Sure hope you have plans for a few getaways soon. Thanks for stopping by. Have heard no news from the war. One of our “neighbors” in WV passed. He actually purchased land past my sister’s farm that had been an entire town. He had the neatest cabin. My sister has blipped it a few times. Rest In Peace Mike. My sister and BIL are in WV so they will attend the services. Stay safe friends and spend some time with nature. “Almost every person, from childhood, has been touched by the untamed beauty of wildflowers.” – Lady Bird Johnson

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