Living my dream

By Mima

Not my view, sadly…

…but that of my friends R (she of the Mothers Day food box) and N.

Bean and I walked up to their place this afternoon for a blather and a cup of tea. R and N are in the process of packing up their house and farm. They move in a fortnight. I shall miss being able to wander up to see them, but they’re not moving too far and I’ll drop in and pester them when I head to town each week.

We were kept inside all morning by heavy rain. I got on with a heap of indoor jobs (although the sock mending pile is untouched), but I nevertheless got very antsy. So the moment it was dry I was out like a shot to pull on gumboots and stomp around doing important things in the garden.

The sun is out again now.

The chooks are starting to get their act together: they have produced three eggs for the last two days. I’m crossing my fingers this is the start to days of eggcess.

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