Day at Knepp rewilding project

My friend A is staying here for a few nights, and I drove over to spend the day with her there. It’s in Sussex, a pretty horrible drive from Bristol. We spent the day walking on the paths around the land there. It’s famous especially for its storks - a quite sizeable breeding group, and they have 30 eggs this year. There were 6 or 7 soaring on thermals above us much of the time, but getting a photo of one  on my phone was another matter:) That dot really is a stork.
Also shown is an example of the lovely paths around the area. Then a Tamworth pig - I loved it’s fur, especially the golden fluff around its ears. They are helping to clear the ground of thistle and bracken, and also to fertilise the soil. Lastly a young stag, just growing his antlers, who was in the wrong place - just beside the toilets in the camping site.
But it was what we heard that was also wonderful: cuckoos, nightingales, and also the storks clacking their beaks together in greeting, when one parent came back to the nest with food for the chicks.
Late in the evening I drove the short trip to near Lewes, to stay with an old friend J; we've known each other 46 years I reckon

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