
By MrsPuff

Killer Waves from Outer Space!!

Now, technically, this title is correct, because the tide is affected by the moon. And the moon is in space. And if you decided to go for a swim, you probably wouldn't make it out alive. So there.

These waves were ferocious. And the noise they made when they crashed onto the shore was thunderous. I could hear the stones being dragged out with the waves, as they receded. It was quite spectacular!

The surf is usually pretty gentle around these here parts, so it was an unusual sight.

There were about four surfers taking advantage of the rough surf. They were a long way out though, and I must say I was a bit concerned for their safety. But they didn't appear to be in any distress, so I left them to it.

It's a miserable day here in South Canterbury, with grey (or gray?) skies and drizzle. Even the cats won't go outside. I'm waiting for Bertie to get off the bed so I can change the sheets. I may have to give him a gentle prod...

Oh wait, he's just made an apprearance. He's moved from the bed to right in front of the heatpump, and looks like he's there for the day. Ha!

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