Entrance to Emmaus House in Clifton.

I walk past here on the way to the Oxfam shop every Wednesday.  I love the copper beech.  The house itself is used as a retreat - and I remember the senior managers at my old job used to go there for ’away days’ which were free thinking sessions on future policy.  
I believe our government is on an away day to think up ideas to tackle extreme poverty in Britain, but at zero cost.  Ideas so far include: reducing the cost of passports, and making MOT (car safety tests) compulsory every two years rather than every year.  What planet are they on?! They seem not to have a clue about extreme poverty, when people can’t afford enough to eat, or to warm the house, or have hot water to keep clean.
Plus what is to be gained by saving £50 every two years, having less safe, and unsafe cars on the road, and severely damaging car mechanics’ incomes.  This country is run by over-privileged idiots imho :(

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