Through the Hermitage again

When Ann is doing a 1-5pm shift at work she normally takes me for my 'first thing in the morning walk', and then after breakfast we go for a big long walk, because when she finishes work, she's always tired so only wants to take me on a little walk when she gets home.

This morning we walked through the grounds of the 'Royal Edinburgh Hospital' at about 7.30pm. That's the time when all the bunnies are about. Bunnies are even more annoying than squirrels. At least with squirrels, once they've run up a tree, I know I can't get them so I go zooming back to Ann. Bunnies are different. They usually just run off into bushes and then I spend forever in the undergrowth looking for them. A walk that normally takes about half an hour took about 45 mins today because I was faffing around looking for bunnies and wouldn't come back as soon as I was called.  Ann got very angry with me.

After breakfast we went for a long walk through the Hermitage of Braid and over the old golf course. I was a bit naughty. I kept doing silly 'puppy jumping up' at a lady who was walking a little black dog. Ann was actually going to tell all you lovely Blippers that I'd stopped doing silly 'puppy jumping up'. But obviously I haven't?! The lady had 'dried duck' whatever that is in her pocket and she asked Ann if I could have some as long as I kept all my four paws on the floor. It was yummy. Ann never brings treats on my walks these days. After that I did my silly 'puppy jumping up' at a dog walker who was walking about 8 dogs. He had treats too, but he didn't give me any. Booooohoooo.

This afternoon, when Ann got home from work, she took me round the block in the pouring rain when all she really wanted to do was sit down and relax with a large glass of wine. Who would have thought that working as a 'minimum wage' shop assistant could be so 'demanding'? There's a new 'till system' in place where Ann works (and these days you need a degree in computer science to operate one). Jobs were NEVER like this 40 years ago. 40 years ago, you just did a job and 'minimum wage' hadn't been invented. If you were rubbish, you got sacked, if you were good you got promoted. You didn't have training programmes & appraisals. You just took a pride in what you were doing and got on with the job to the best of your ability. Now everyone is a victim and everyone has to be accountable for every single little thing. It's a nightmare.

OK, so this probably isn't the best platform for my human to be ranting on.

I'm back in my bed having snooze time now.

Toodles. xx

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