A storm is brewing!

I'm a lucky little collie pup today because I've had three walks. Yay!

First thing this morning I went to 'Morningside Park'. I like it there because there's tennis courts and quite often people hit tennis balls over the fence and don't bother retrieving them. I've found quite a few manky old balls in Morningside Park but today there were none. Boohoo.

After breakfast I had snooze time while Ann went to the dentist. She's only been to this particular dentist once, which was during lock down, when he couldn't use a lot of the stuff that dentists normally use. OMG! He's amazing. A check up and clean only took 10 mins. And he doesn't talk much, in fact he hardly talks at all! so non of this patronising chat about how bad Ann's tartar is and what kind of toothbrush does she use and does she floss?! Dentists must be the most patronising bunch of people in the world! Ann tries to go to the dentist every 6 months and every dentist that she's ever seen have tried to make her go every 3-4 months and she's always resisted. Not so this one. She wouldn't go as far as to say it was a pleasurable experience but he didn't hurt her and he didn't patronise her, so she was quite happy to make another appointment for 4 months time.

After that 'non-traumatic experience' Ann said, 'Trixie, would you like to walk to Fiona's house so I can deliver her birthday card and a bunch of tulips'. For those of you who read yesterday's Blip, you will know that Ann was incredibly tired so cancelled going to the cinema last night with her friend, Fiona and others. Amazingly Fiona managed to get a full refund for her. Yay! It's Fiona's birthday today and Ann had intended giving her, her card & flowers last night. A walk to Fiona's house involved walking through Braidburn Valley Park and as the sun was shining and it was quite warm I did lots of splish, splash, sploshing in the burn. So No. 2 walk was fabulous.

No. 3 walk was not so fabulous. I went up Blackford Hill this afternoon because the sun was shining and the sky was blue (although it was very windy). Just after this photo was taken, the heavens opened and we got pelted with hailstones. Not nice! They hurt me and within mins my fur was soaking wet. Ann was just wearing a fleece obv she had other clothes on as well and within mins she was soaked through to her underwear. The sky went really black and dramatic but Ann couldn't take any more photos because she'd put her phone into one of my poo bags to keep it dry. A clean one, obviously!!!

Sooooooooooo................. that's been our day.

This evening I was going to stay 'home alone' while Ann went to the 'Clubbercise class' that she booked a couple of days ago. She's not going to go because after walking me for almost 3 hours today, her leg is hurting her again (see yesterday's Blip if you don't know what we're going on about) and it would probably be a bit silly to spend another hour jumping around on it???!!!!

Instead, we will spend the evening watching c*** TV and eating comfort food!!!


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