No Right Turn For An Alpha Male?

You'll have to excuse today's image as it was the best I could come up with at the time - I saw the banner and the road sign and the title just popped into my head, probably 'helped' by the fact that I'd just had my Sunday pint!
Another TV recommendation - if you get the chance please watch a film on Netflix called "The Truffle Hunters". It follows a handful of men, seventy or eighty years old, who hunt for the rare and expensive white alba truffle deep in the forests of Piedmont in Italy.
To date this truffle has resisted all of modern science's efforts at cultivation so the search for them is guided by a secret culture and training passed down through the generations, as well as by the noses of their cherished and expertly-trained dogs. The truffle hunters live a simpler and slower way if life in harmony with their animals and their land, unencumbered by the modern technology of mobile phones, screens and the internet. 
The demand for the truffles increases every year, even as the supply decreases due to climate change, deforestation and a lack of young people taking up the profession. This means the hunters secrets are more coveted than ever but they see it as something much more valuable than the truffles themselves - the secret to a rich and meaningful life. A truly beautiful film! Nearly every frame would make a brilliant photograph.

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