
By Groggster

Facial Recognition

Yes I've started seeing faces in things!
Today's image was taken from outside the perimeter of a small water treatment works at the bottom of a main road not far from our house - oh the glamour I hear you cry!
Today had actually stared with a run in the pouring rain with my brother just after 7 am - we both got absolutely soaked but at least I beat him in a sprint finish. Hurrah!
As the weather was cr*p we just decided we would have a lazy day (my brother was probably more entitled to this than I was as he has been at work all week) and just stay in and watch some telly with a bottle of wine. So a double bill of Escape to the Farm with Kate Humble (love the Humble!) and Made In Chelsea it was!
After such brain taxing televisual viewing we decided we needed some fresh air (or it could just have been the wine!) and took our cameras along for the ride. Thankfully the rain had stopped and the temperature had increased but there was now a strong wind which felt strangely like being blasted by a warm hairdryer.
Whilst on our perambulation we had, what at first, was a slightly unnerving encounter in our local village of Aylesford. My brother had taken an image outside a commercial premises when a man appeared with his dog and started following us down the street loudly asking why we were taking pictures. Uh oh, we both thought but actually he was just really interested in why we were taking pictures and we had a really pleasant chat, he showed us a painting he had in an outbuilding (slightly bizarre!) and we were introduced to his dog Jazz. Please see the link to my brother's image below.

There's actually no mention of me being there in my brother's blip though! Cheers bro'! Mind you his image today is much better than mine.

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