
Today I make a point of photographing early. The garden’s full of sunlight, and while those tulip floozies are still brashly hanging on, there are newer and more innocent floral fancies now emerging to take their place. 

I’m so glad to see one allium has just started to burst open, most tiny florets still closed tight. But here and there a purple star has sprung into existence, strangely spiked spears protruding threateningly from their centres of a blistered succulent green. It still amazes me just what a macro shot reveals! 

The rest of the day has been spent packing. We’ve travelled so much that this should be a simple task, but like most others, we’re now out of practice. Add to this the problems of finding clothes that ‘work’, and fitting in my ‘medical supplies’ … the challenge soon becomes clear. Still, by now I’m almost there…..

It’s going to be an early night, and hopefully I’ll sleep - then up at 2 am in an attempt to get to Manchester airport for our 6.40 flight. Current reports of queues through security are horrendous; Daniel and Solveig took 2.5 hours the other week and only just made their flight. Needless to say, I’m not looking forward to it ….

But hopefully it will all be worth it, and tomorrow I’ll be posting from Montenegro- wi-fi permitting. 

Thanks so much for your lovely comments on yesterday’s double exposure Alice blip! I’ll try to get through as many journals as possible before crashing out tonight, but I suspect comments will be very thin on the ground! 

Thanks to HOtamer for hosting! 

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