Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Trying it out!

I didn’t bother going to the gym today, but I did do my exercises (x3), and 4,657 steps. JR did go, of course, and happened to meet our neighbour, Pip’s mum, there. JR persuaded her to join the fitness class, and she ‘enjoyed’ it, so I think this could be a regular thing. Pip and come and stay with Archie and I.

Robert took Archie out for his walk, and as arranged, brought him back to his own flat afterwards, as he’s looking after him when we go to France (the Champagne Region - have I mentioned this before?) 

Zoe came for a visit while her mum was in a local hairdresser, and she was pleased, nay, delighted to see the holiday photos… Then we went round to collect Archie, but also to check out Robert’s flat, which he has just put on the market. Yes, we might will be losing him.

JR then went off to the supermarket, and Archie and I set off across the Meadows. I wanted to try out my new phone camera. I took lots of close ups of flowers to try the ‘macro’ lens. They’re pretty good, considering it was very windy! Check them out in Extras.

When we came back, JR had gone again - into town to check out a sale in one of her favourite shops. JR and Hazel are fully occupied with choosing and organising their wardrobes for our imminent holiday in the Champagne Region. Gosh, we’ve been dining out on this holiday prospect for quite a while. Which of course, is part of the fun!

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