Mother’s Day 2022

We had no problem getting everything packed this morning. Sometimes, our stuff overloads all usable space. My son delivered our breakfast, a card and gifts. The French toast casserole was scrumptious. His wife was sick earlier in the week so we decided on carryout rather than take the chance of picking up a virus at their house. Parker dropped off muffins later. My sister and BIL stopped by and we exchanged “stuff”. We always collect items for each other. We called my mother as we got on the road to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day. My sister and BIL were heading to visit her. The kids and grands called off and on all day. They are very thoughtful. There is a great market on the route that sells homemade country cooking items. We grabbed chicken and sides for a few meals. They made a delicious first meal in the new camper. We were at the campsite around 1:40 pm. We are the only campers in this section of the state park. Just us and the trees with an occasional squirrel. Then the fun began. Hubby had left a tool used for the weight distribution system on the truck’s back bumper. Miraculously, it was still there after the 1.5 hour bumpy ride. The good news is that the gas heater works like a charm. Well, the dust on it set off the smoke alarm at first. It was cold and rainy all day so we decided to stay inside the camper rather then set up our outside area. We kept getting an error code on the refrigerator, the lights would dim and the heater would turn off-this happened repeatedly. After much on line research and nail biting, we figured out that hubby had turned off the electric breaker accidentally and everything was running on the small battery. What a relief; I thought there was a problem with the camper’s electric wiring. Next issue is still unsolved. We cannot figure out how to send the “city water” through the pipes without going to the fresh water tank which keeps overflowing. We’ll call the dealer for advice tomorrow. We think a valve may be dirty and not closing properly. Kim made me her famous chocolate chip cookies for Mother’s Day. They relieved the stress for sure. All in all, we’ve had a pleasant day. Hope yours was as well. Thanks for stopping by. I heard there were many casualties at a Ukrainian school today. Abominable! “Come to the woods, for here is rest.” - John Muir

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