Friday 6th

This pinged through to our phone this morning at the exact time he was born one year ago.  You can see by his wee face that I think he had just woken up …. I think mummy and daddy were more excited ;-D

We are looking forward to celebrating at ours with family and friends tomorrow (Sim volunteered our house to host ) and of course with hosting comes that responsibility of tidying up.  As Mr C has been poorly this week he hasn’t managed to do the outdoor jobs that he had hoped and luckily Sim popped over in the evening to help jet wash the plastic chairs, move bags of stones (that Mr C was hoping to lay) up to the back of the garden. A workout in itself.  Meanwhile, Mr C went to do the shop whilst I cleaned inside.

For Christmas O received a little tike car from Nat’s brother but because their place is tiny we always knew the plan was to have it here.  It’s not the usual red and yellow one but a police car so he can be like daddy.  Anyway, tonight was the night to bring it over and make it….. 2 hours later it was finished ;-D. Lucy laughed and said this is only year one, you’ve got many, many  years of building stuff.

So we wish this wonderful little boy a very, very happy 1st birthday.  We love you soooo much xx

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